We Need Your Help
The Trustees have set themselves a target to upgrade our existing twelve residences and to increase their number before our 400th Birthday in 2027.
With so many of our buildings being listed we are having to spend most of our income on simply keeping them to the standard required and just to do this will take the next four years.
Repairs underway at Wickham Almshouses
Beyond that we recognize the need to grow in line with an aging population, many of whom are in need of sound accommodation at an affordable rent. Our almshouses provide this, never charging more than 80% of the Commercial Rent and available to anyone with local links.
Repairs to the Wickham almshouse chimney completed.
The Appeal
The Trustees have launched “The Founders Appeal” in an effort to raise funds to modernise our existing residences and to increase their number over the next twelve years.
The Town can then take pride in increased housing stock for older local residents and in seeing our existing almshouses brought up to a modern standard.
If you would like to help with a Bequest or a Donation please use the Contact Us page to get in touch. Your generous gift enables The Charity to make provision for comfortable homes for elderly people in Shepton Mallet. The generosity of local people over the last 400 years has ensured the successes we have achieved today. Your gift will benefit those in need now and in the future.
We are seeking support from Grant Aid through National and Local Charities and have the help of the County, District and Town Councils as well as help from Housing Associations and the Almshouses Association. We would be pleased to answer any questions or provide more details and if you have any queries please contact the Chairman or the Clerk.
“Ordinary people; looking after
Ordinary people.”