Your generous gift enables United Charities to make provision for comfortable homes for elderly people in the Shepton Mallet area. The generosity of local people over almost four centuries has ensured the successes we have achieved today. Your gift will benefit those in need now and in the future.
With your help further almshouses can be acquired. Your help now will serve to join in with, and perpetuate, the valuable work of those whose kindness and foresight founded almshouses in Shepton Mallet.
The following wording is submitted for guidance and should be used only in conjunction with legal advice.
Suggested Wording of Clauses
- A cIause for a Pecuniary Legacy contained within a will:
I give the following charitable legacy absolutely:
to Shepton Mallet United Charities (Registered Charity 236426) 13 Westbrook Road, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet BA4 6LR (hereinafter called “the Charities”) the sum of £…….. for the general purposes of the Charities and with the full power to expend capital as income for such purposes and I direct that a receipt of the Clerk to the Trustees of the Charities shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors/Trustees for this payment.
- A clause for a Residuary Legacy contained within a will:
I devise and bequeath all (or a….share of) the residue of my estate absolutely:
to Shepton Mallet United Charities (Registered Charity 236426) 13 Westbrook Road, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet BA4 6LR (hereinafter called “the Charities”) such sum to be applied for the general purposes of the Charities and with the full power to expend capital as income for such purpose and I direct that a receipt of the Clerk to the Trustees of the Charities shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors/Trustees for this payment.
Making a Codicil to Your Will
If you have a Will, you can add a cash gift by making a “Codicil” to your Will. It is important that you contact a Solicitor to prepare the Codicil so that it does not affect any other provisions in your Will and that it is executed correctly.
- A sample clause to include in the Codicil (the remaining clauses of which your Solicitor will need to draft):
I give to Shepton Mallet United Charities (Registered Charity 236426) 13 Westbrook Road, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet BA4 6LR (hereinafter called “the Charities”) the sum of ……………pounds (£………….) for its general purposes and with the full power to expend capital as income for such purposes and I direct that a receipt of the Clerk to the Trustees of the Charities shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors/Trustees for this legacy.